This packet includes curriculum material to help students prepare for their visit with the Whitney.
While this packet focuses on students joining the Whitney Plantation Education Department on a tour, these materials may be useful to all teachers crafting their lesson plans.
ERA 6: Standard 4B
The student understands the origins and consequences of the trans-Atlantic African slave trade.
ERA 4: Standard 2D
The student understands the rapid growth of “the peculiar institution” after 1800 and the varied experiences of African Americans under slavery.
Whitney Plantation is a 200 acre former sugar plantation turned historic site dedicated to telling the history of slavery in the United States from the perspective of the enslaved Africans, African-Americans, and Creoles of Color who built America’s wealth. However, it takes much more to share and interpret this history than just opening the door. Join hosts Dr. Joy Banner, Director of Marketing and Communications, and Amber Mitchell, Director of Education, as they discuss the unique intersection of history, preservation, race, and storytelling that create a one-of-a-kind visitor experience.
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